B pool second gridThe second grid is 3 kids, and this pool is about 905 parents. It is divided into 3 big. The whole pool is the most full of 110 meal. The water level is drained to 70 meals, then 1 day complement 6-7 meal, completeDrain, feeding the morning and evening daily, 1 meal muddy 3 pounds of shrimps 4 kg (more than 7 pounds), their own way, share it
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Large scaleWhat feed is good for blood parrot fish.Mini parrot fish is good for feeding that kind of pellet feed^Special feed for mini parrot fish&Can parrot fish be fed with different feeds?)Parrot fry turns red in a few months?What fish feed is good(How a parrot fish that turns white turns red:Map what kind of feed fish like to eat,What kind of feed is good for feeding parrot fish%What feed to feed parrot fish to start% Ulleung County Fish。